Do You Need Neuralgia Treatment In Hardwick?

Have you been diagnosed with neuralgia and searching for treatments to reduce the pain?  

This is just one of the conditions we can offer relief for at our clinic in Hardwick.

Caused by a damaged or irritated nerve, neuralgia can cause stabbing, burning or often severe pain. It can occur in any part of your body and has been linked to certain diseases, such as diabetes or multiple sclerosis; though usually, it’s simply due to ageing.

One of the most commonly known forms of neuralgia is that which affects the face (Trigeminal neuralgia) which can cause sharp shooting pain, that feels like having an electric shock.

Neuralgia can be aggravated by stress, especially facial pain which requires a holistic approach that considers both the body and mind. Attacks can last from as little as two seconds to as long as two hours.

Our osteopath in Hardwick attracts customers from across Cambridge and the surrounding area. We can offer treatments for people of any age, so are ideal for all members of the family.

Along with osteopathy, we also offer expert massages, hypopressives, hypnotherapy personal training, yoga and meditation. All our treatments are excellent for reducing levels of stress and therefore alleviating the pain associated with conditions like neuralgia.

If you’re searching for treatments for neuralgia and are based in Cambridge, why not find out more about our clinic in Hardwick?