NES Health
BioEnergetiX is an exciting, emerging area of 21st century medicine. Research is uncovering that BioEnergetiX is an effective, life-sustaining approach that heals all living systems.
When all is working correctly our bodies can maintain optimal health. However, when all is not well, we begin to break down, get sick, feel tired, and look old before our time. But energy controls the biochemistry of our bodies. Every living thing on the planet gives and receives energy including the cells in your body and this energy forms Fields in your body that we call the Human “Bodyfield”.
Your Body-Field transmits information to your cells’ own energy fields about which biochemical functions to perform and in what order. When this energy is blocked, the information is also blocked and your body becomes tired and ceases to function the way it should.
When your Body-Field is distorted, you feel like you are always behind the ball — not getting done what you want in a day, stuck in stressful situations, tired, with your body getting out of shape or starting to fall apart. Over time, this severe lack of energy may result in a number of debilitating diseases.
NES Health, has developed a scanning device for your entire energy Body-Field that is attached to a computer. Not only will you see and measure the energy distortions in your Body-Field, you will work with us to take the simple, safe steps to restoring your Body-Field so it can once again communicate correctly from your cells from the inside out.
We want to help you to be fit, healthy, living your purpose, manifesting your dreams. A life where you wake up enthusiastic about the day, full of energy, and feeling in control of where you’re going and able to fulfil your highest potential.
Patricia Forrester is our NES Health expert, to see more about Pat please click here. Or to see more about NES Health system itself please click here.